The Cygnet is an international journal published occasionally by the Mary Sidney Society for its members. The purpose of the journal is three-fold: 1) to provide a forum for those interested in further information about the possibility that Mary Sidney Herbert, the Countess of Pembroke, wrote the works attributed to William Shakespeare; 2) to provide a vehicle for those wishing to research and publish articles on the above topic; and 3) to provide informative articles on the “Shakespearean” works since Mary Sidney may have written them.
The Editorial Board of The Cygnet invites submissions of articles, inquiries, poems, and reviews. For information about submissions see below.
Issue 1 • 2006
(80 pages) Purchase copies from Amazon here.
Robin’s Report • Robin P. Williams
Mary Sidney, author of Venus and Adonis and The Rape of Lucrece • Ross Carter
Maistres Marie: a plesant poet perfyte sall ye be • Stella Daly
Pseudonymous Shakespeare: Book Review • Barbara Riley
Esoteric Insights into Mary Sidney’s Character • Barry Hatfield
Correspondences—Making Understanders of Us All • Amy Meilander
It is a Reeling World, Indeed • Bonnie Kohl
Issue 2 • 2013
(110 pages) Purchase copies from Amazon here.
Robin’s Report • Robin P. Williams
Lady Anne Herbert: Another Wilton Secret? • Robert Hayes
Lady Jane Lumley’s Iphigenia: A Muse of Fire • Claire van Kampen
Rare Secrets and Future Fate: Revealed in Rhyme • Robin P. Williams, Ph.D.
Seltene Geheimnisse: An Interpretation of the Title • Judith Ribble, Ph.D.
Ben Jonson’s Eulogy: The Case for Mary Sidney • Jonathan Star
The Masters Degree Program: Shakespeare Authorship Studies • Robin P. Williams
That Emperor has no Clothes! • Fred Faulkes
Lear and the Fool • John Cheek
Apocalypticism and the Holy Grail in King Lear • Barry Hatfield
Close Reading King Lear • Amy Meilander
On the Death of Dana Evans • Robin P. Williams
Dana Evans Memorial Scholarship:
Susan Sheridan
James Norrena
Anna Darrah
“Who’s There?”: Playing with the Shakespeare Authorship Question • Elizabeth West
Earls of Paradise: Book Review • Amy Meilander
Shakespeare in Disguise: A cryptic puzzle of another sort • Rosetta
Issue 3 • 2017
(92 pages) Purchase copies from Amazon here.
Robin’s Report • Robin P. Williams, Ph.D.
On Margaret Hannay in grateful appreciation
Mary Sidney’s Antony • Anna Farkas
On Shakespeare’s Sonnets • John Yeomans, Ph.D.
Dramatizing Penshurst • Mary Kimball Outten
Mary Sidney and the New Year’s Gift Exchange • Kristin Bundesen, Ph.D.
Mary Sidney Documentary • Anna Darrah
Soror Mystica, Mary Sidney and the Alchemy of the Shakespearean canon • Ann Yeomans
Desdemona’s Willow Song, the only written words • Robin P. Williams, Ph.D.
Otello, a sonnet on the Verdi opera • Stephen Forstat
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Submissions to The Cygnet
The Editorial Board of The Cygnet invites inquiries, articles, poems, and reviews.
1 Submission
Please email a text file. Be sure to include your name, email, and full postal address, as well as your email address in the file. Authors will be notfied as soon as possible. The editors cannot enter into correspondence about material considered to be unsuitable for publication.
If this article is a reprint, please be sure you have permission to republish it. If you choose to republish an article that was originally printed in this journal, we request that you credit the story as “Originally published in The Cygnet, year.”
Securing permission for the reproduction of illustrations and quotations from copyrighted material is the responsibility of the author.
Please email articles to
2 Style
Contributions will be edited into the journal’s house style. References should appear in endnotes rather than footnotes.
3 Proofs
Authors will be sent pdf proofs by email. These should be printed, read, and returned within five working days. If corrections are not received within this time limit, the Editors will check, correct, and pass proofs for press.
4 Author’s copies
The publisher will supply each author of an accepted article with two free copies of the journal; further copies may be ordered.